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#TestimonyTuesday - A Recent Healing Miracle

broken heart, repaired

I've been struggling with Atrial Fibrillation for a while. I wont' bore you with the details, but it isn't much fun. At the heart of the matter is, well the heart! And, in the most general terms there is atrial fibrillation, and there is mild atrial fibrillation.

When the heart goes into A Fib, it simply doesn't beat in a regular rhythm. Severe means your heart may be beating at 220 beats per minute and you need a hospital, rapidly! And I've had that severe kind, twice - last time in November 2021: I was in the inner part of A & E (ER) for more than 15 hours, hooked up to many machines just in case. 

When you're surrounded by multiple doctors (and barely a nurse in sight) you know it's not great! It should be said, however, that while it is bad, it is not quite 'that' bad - as you're likely to feel awful, but you're not likely to die from it - not at my age anyway

Recently I've had the mild kind, and upon my second trip to our local hospital emergency room they said - after consulting with, well, a heart consultant - that I should ignore these mild attacks, and just carry on the best I can.

I had my 4th mild attack in two weeks, on Sunday morning - it woke me up at 8am. It isn't a pleasant way to be woken!

Now, before you say that 8am is fairly reasonable, I'm gonna say you're right. Unless you were up super late and were looking forward to reaching 8 hours of sleep. So I carried on, drove to church with my oldest - and youngest son - and we got our church on.

On Sunday we celebrated communion. And it was during this that the healing happened.

All I can say is that it felt like someone had their hands - literally - inside my chest, praying for my heart. As I reached out for for the cup containing the rather weak, non-alcoholic, slightly purple liquid, my heart started to beat normally again.

I texted my wife at home - yes, she'd been praying for me just at that moment.

So, what healed me? 

Was it just an amount of time before my heart sorted itself out (3 1/2 hours is usual it seems for me)?

Was it the communion I was taking part in? Is there really more to the sanctified bread and wine we consume?

Was it the prayer my wife was saying at that moment, from quite a few miles away? 

Was it my obedience in attending church even though I just wanted to stay at home feeling sorry for myself

Or was it a combination of all of those things?

Honestly, I haven't a clue - truly!

But here's what I do know.

On Sunday morning God healed me of my Atrial Fibrillation at the exact moment I was obediently sitting in a church service where I didn't want to be, while my wife was praying, while I was reaching for the cup in a communion service.

The healing can be questioned I guess if you're into that sort of thing. But, the timing can not - it's the reason I just don't have the faith to believe in coincidences!

If it happened at home, God wouldn't get the glory of His healing.

We need to be obedient, and expectant - and hopeful!

Andy B

PS If you've got a testimony to share, we'd love to share it with the wider world! Get in touch with us.

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