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S05E063, Know Thyself, Andy B 2 Minute Video


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If you had to write a biography about yourself what would it say and how easy would you find such an exercise.

God tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made; that He hand made us on purpose and for a purpose.

So, if you were saying who God had made you to be, how would you go about that?

I’m currently writing something of a professional biography, not a super short one. But I struggle to speak the truth about what I am good at for the most part.

I’m quite comfortable saying I’m really good at creating complicated church services that are suitable for a massive range of ages that are popular, and yet I struggle to describe other things with such clarity.

I’m certain part of my issues is that I’m British, and the British are, if nothing else, incredibly reserved as a rule.

We’ve done some amazing things and led the field in so many areas. And yet, when it comes to talking about ourselves, we would do well to take some lessons from our American friends, who are so much more natural at saying what they are able to do, or not.

So, if you were writing a bio about yourself, what would it say?

Feel free to leave it in the comments if you like as I’d love to read who God has made you to be ??.

Just a thought...

Andy B





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[00:00:00] So another Andy B Two Minute Video and I've been thinking recently, because I've got a website, If you haven't, go and check it out, sign up to it and you'll get a post once a week and see what I'm up to, and what I'm doing., that's me. 

[00:00:25] So I've been thinking about a biography because I wanna write who I am, and what I am, and what I'm good at and where my skills are and all that kind of stuff. A standard biography. Now, when I looked around at what biographies are, there are, it seems like millions. There's no there's no strategy that really works. There's no right way. There's just your way. So I took some of these ideas I saw and thought, well, I like that bit, I like this bit, I'm gonna whack it together do my crow bar thing, as ever, shove it all together and I've got something. And I'm in the middle of writing it. It's taking me quite a long time because I want it to be right.[00:01:00] 

[00:01:00] But if you were writing your biography, what would it say? 

[00:01:03] It's very different when people talk about us because how people talk about us is rarely how we talk about ourselves. In the same way that when you speak, what people hear is not what you hear, because they hear, because of the air moving through, sound waves, all of that. You hear because of vibrations up into your ear. That's why if you record yourself, and hear your voice, you think, Ew, who's that? Well, that's you, that's what we have to put up with all of the time.

[00:01:26] When you get used to speaking, you are okay with that. When you first hear your recorded voice, it can be a little bit scary and freaky, like, who's that? 

[00:01:34] If you wrote your biography, what would it say? 

[00:01:36] I think as British people, I can imagine James Dyson, who made the Dyson Hoover, well, it, you know, I thought it was quite a good idea. I, I picture him with a, with a cup of tea and a cucumber sandwich., Well, I had an idea and it sort of, you know, it seemed to work out ok. 

[00:01:48] I see the guy who made the internet, another Englishman, British, guy, girl, British person, and they, you know, made the internet, the worldwide web. Well, you know, it sort of, it's okay. That's kind of the British way. We don't really [00:02:00] shout about what we're good at. It's something that I've got some American friends, they're not arrogant, they're just really good at being confident of who they are. Part of the British culture, we're not so good at be that, that confidence of who we are, and what we're. And we should be because God made you fearfully, wonderfully handmade you, hand wove you. You are a bespoke, unique, deliberately made, purposeful thing.

[00:02:25] If you are writing your bio, what would it say? How honest would you be? Might be worth you doing it just for a good exercise. I'm doing it. I don't want it to come across arrogant, but I wanna be confident about what God has made me good at. Because that's not arrogance, that's just, that's just speaking the truth. And there is a difference. 

[00:02:43] So if you were writing your bio, what would it say? 

[00:02:46] Just a thought.


Andy B, 31/03/2023

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