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#TestimonyTuesday: Prayers from a Friend

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Every day is a learning day, and every day God is still very much at work.

Read our latest testimony of God at work today!

#TestimonyTuesday: Prayers from a Friend

As many of you will know, I have been struggling for quite a while now with nausea, stomach pain and sickness.

Recently I experienced some pain and rather intense nausea, so I hovered near a bucket expecting to be sick. However, little did I know that someone we know was praying for me at that very moment.

What I was aware of was my family praying for me.

I wasn’t sick - which is a yet another small miracle I have experienced whilst I’ve been ill. But the really amazing thing is that a good friend of ours was praying for me at the exact moment I needed it most.

God really has been carrying me through these past five months.


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